The Christchurch bridge is building......


This Group is the first in person NOW Group since the pandemic begun. Led by Simon Corkindale of Harcourts, Connect acts as an 'Offline' mirror to the Online NOW Excelerate group. A grounded counterpoint that makes these twinned groups set to really grow and thrive! Backed by the Digital connection and Media expertise in Excelerate we aim to benefit from a complimentary member base that hones in on:

  • Finance
  • Physical trades skills
  • and Property 

These sectors really make groups tick but of course diversity always enriches any eco-system. So come and check it out and help us broaden that coverage, with your unique offering. Limited launch investment scheme straight to quarterly ZERO Rego fee's for the first 6 signups!

Held fortnightly on Thursday mornings from:

  • 26th September, 0845 am (0900 Feature begins)
  • @Flex space Business Centre, 19 Sheffield Crescent, Burnside, Christchurch   

Group Pioneer 

Simon Corkindale

NOW Connect Launch II

Qualify to become a founder Member at our first in person NOW group in 5 years! With a solid spread of connections in the mix and all the benefits of our Online Community this is a great way to expand your reach rapidly! Get resilient, get connected

Register for our Launch event

Just enter you details and select 'NOW Connect' (Response within 48 hours)

Multiply your Networks!


"They say your Network is your Net worth! So be intentional but leave no stone unturned. At NOW we use the term 'The Reference Group'. This is the core group of people you work with most closely day to day, these people will have vast and unparalleled impact on your success story. Whose in yours?? So we say cast that net wide, visualise the connections you want and then they will assuredly come!" Chris White, COO NOW Group.

Cast that net wider NOW using our Free Member Community trial, TODAY!

Check out our event venue!

Checkout our Visitor guide

To get fully up to speed on our NOW Group Online Assemblies have a quick flick through our Visitor Guide. From this you can learn about session itinerary, special features and access our free trial so if your ready to check us out properly, just click away!


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